Potablog 1338.at Header

ZitatEncountering 404 errors is not new. Often, developers provide custom 404 pages to make the experience a little less frustrating. However, for a custom 404 page to be truly useful, it should not only provide relevant information to the user, but should also provide immediate feedback to the developer so that, when possible, the problem can be fixed.

To accomplish this, I developed a custom 404 page that can be adapted to the look and feel of the website it’s used on and uses server-side includes (SSI) to execute a Perl script that determines the cause of the 404 error and takes appropriate action.

Keine Blöde Idee eigentlich. Allerdings ist damit, wenns nicht entsprechend verhindert wird, Spam möglich und es verrät Informationen über das System. Mal sehn vllt probier ich sowas auch mal.

Der ganze Artikel auf www.alistapart.com.

Via schichtleiter/XMPP
Direktlink  Kommentare: 0 geschrieben von potassium am Dienstag, 18.11.2008, 18:59

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